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Death registration

By law you must register a death within five calendar days from when the relevant paperwork is received by the Register Office.

The death cannot be registered, nor an appointment booked, until all the required documents have been received from the Medical Examiner or Coroner.  Therefore, we ask that you do not book an appointment unless you have been notified that all paperwork has been received. If an email address has been entered onto our system, the relative, partner or personal representative named will receive an automated email with a link to book an appointment.  

Documents for the person registering the death, as well as the deceased, may be requested to show names and addresses to prevent any errors; you may be asked to complete a pre-registration form and attach this to your appointment, please don’t worry if you are unable to complete or upload the pre-registration form.

Deaths occurring at the Milton Keynes University Hospital will be registered with us.  However if the death occurred at home, or elsewhere in Milton Keynes, please check that the exact location is within the Milton Keynes registration district.  Deaths must be registered in the district that they occur but as some addresses with a Milton Keynes postcode are not included within our district it is best to check.

For more information about registering a death please visit our website.

Once your appointment has been made you will be given a reference number; please keep this safe as it will be required if you need to contact us to amend or cancel your appointment.

Please let us know if you need any assistance accessing our services.

Data Security - Milton Keynes Council Registration Service is committed to ensuring your information is protected.  We only collect your data where we have a legal obligation; as a public task or with your express consent. Please read our privacy notice for full details.



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